Monday, May 28, 2007

End of Semester Panoramas

A couple of panoramic photos to mark the end of the semester. I can hardly believe it ... this is the last time I'll be able to say that. After all these years, it makes me a little sad. I guess, in that sense, these photos also mark the end of my time at San Jose State University. I actually kinda miss it already.

From last Thursday, the end-of-the-year Shrunkenheadman picnic.

And from three weeks ago, the BFA Animation/Illustration Gallery 2007.

Berkeley Sketches

Visited Berkeley with friends this weekend, and came back with an enormous Andrew Wyeth book and a couple pages of sketches.

While we're at it, here's an older drawing of the same friends, from a housewarming party back in March:

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Departed Speedpaints

A few of my friends have been doing speedpaintings from screenshots of movies. I think it's a pretty great way to study films more closely. So here are a couple of speedpaints I did tonight from The Departed, which has some absolutely stunning shots throughout.

I think this is actually an over-the-shoulder shot, with the cell phone as the point-of-view character. Not only that, notice how the shot is oriented so that the phone is higher in the frame than Matt Damon's face--meaning the cell phone is actually in a dominant position here.

This shot is only on screen for about ten frames, inbetween other shots that aren't quite as disorienting. The effect is so subliminal, you probably don't remember the shot even being there. But you feel it.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Last Week of Classes

A few sketches from last Friday's maquette class, the last meeting of the semester!

This one could easily be a companion to another drawing I posted earlier.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Five Months in 2007

A long overdue sketchdump of drawings from the last five months. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

ADAA Semifinals

Awesome news: Ace Bullet, P.I. was accepted into the semifinal round of the 2007 Adobe Design Achievement Awards! See the official list of semifinalists at the ADAA website.

Congrats also to fellow SJSU entrant John-Paul Balmet and company for getting their film Journey: A Short Vignette into the semifinals, as well.